Topic Proposal

My inspiration text is my real experience, news, and social media. Because I saw many times that people are facing a lot of hard times, including me, when they have a budget, and they go to buy something, and they cannot afford because of price rising a lot. Because everyone in this country is not rich or financially stable. Most of the people who are employed have a certain amount of budget to spend and take care of their families. Our daily necessary products prices are going to increase day by day which makes people’s lives more conflict able and hard to live with family where people have one person for earning, so we need to recover all those issues to get back our financial healthy life. My thesis resolved How products prices going high and how people can resolve from this situation? I hope people understand the value of effects happens in our life for high price of products. Because ordinary people cannot lead a well life as well as they did before. Many people have low-income jobs so it’s hard for them as well as all people who are struggling from this point. People haven’t enough budget for their needs. If it is happening all the time, then they will die. So, for that we need to resolve the situation where people can live life as like before. So, now people protest to recover this situation. I think social media is the best way to do the protest or to know other people or government how we are surviving. “Through 2020, four economies suffered “rare disasters” (cumulative contractions by 10 percent or more): Argentina, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. Tragically, Venezuela’s macroeconomic collapse matches the largest contraction registered by any country in modern history.” (Ursúa and Werner) Rising prices affect not only our country but also every single country and mostly affects poor countries. Because they are not stable financially backup. Our society needs to take some steps to recover this situation from the whole world because if in a country people are getting hunger then what will happen for future generations? People don’t have money for medication, food, clothes. The government shows always they don’t have enough money to

provide basic needs for all people. Because the way prices rise for different reasons. We cannotcontrol but we can try our best to improve this situation to lead a better life. I think very soon the rate of homeless, famine coming in the world. People are suffering a lot. Rising prices will push many other poor households into deeper poverty and increase demands on food programs. The amount they are paid, they spend all of it on surviving. For this reason, people can upload videosor pictures to let others know. Because now a days most of the time social media is used by us so it is an easy way to know the whole world. From my essay I hope my audience will becomeaware and make some decision about this economic issue where government should take some steps and we all can live a well life. Maybe they can make a list of basic need products like food, clothes, medicines, etc. to reduce prices. Or maybe make a specific list for every single item so people can’t not make price up to it. Means something is going to change where people don’t need to think about the high cost when they buy something.

Works Cited

Ursúa, José F., and Alejandro Werner. “Rare Macroeconomic Disasters and Lost Decades in Latin America: The COVID-19 Experience in a Historical Context | PIIE.”, 21 Sept. 2023, Accessed 6 Nov. 2023.

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