Visual Essay Final Draft

In essence, I’m seeking an audience that is currently experiencing the economic crisis. Means The current global economic downturn affects both developed and developing countries, and several may currently be experiencing recessions. The velocity of expansion across all developed economies has slowed, which has had a detrimental effect on the remainder of the world economy. I believe that the major characteristics of that audience that can relate to their position are people between the ages of 18 and adults who are dealing with numerous economic challenges. Because more people in this generation are taking care of their families, they are paying both their own expenses and those of others, such as bills, rent, groceries, and other essentials. Knowing and relating to what is going on in our economy and in their lives is simple. I want my audience to comprehend, feel, and react to how today’s economic climate affects society both favorably and unfavorably. Because it’s difficult to live primarily as the main important cause is confronting, I want my audience to be able to relate to this scenario easily. Consider the COVID – 19 pandemics. Due to the fact that supplies were scarce during the pandemic and unemployment was high, prices rose, and as a result, after the pandemic all product prices increased.

I want the audience to express how they are feeling and what they hope to see in the future. Because social media helps us to raise awareness, I believe it will be the greatest genre for making my thoughts more appealing to and accessible to my audience.Because using hashtags, postings, and campaigns to demonstrate solidarity and raise awareness of social concerns constitutes social media activism. And I do not believe that societal problems with the economy are gone. Due to the widespread usage of social media today, we can instantly update on any topic or piece of news, such as what just occurred globally. Because individuals don’t have enough money in their budget to purchase their fundamental needs, it is simple to inform more and more people about the economic difficulties affecting our lives, society, and the future as prices continue to rise.Social media is the genre I choose since it allows individuals to quickly learn about anything in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, I think social media is an excellent medium for exposing any protest and informing people worldwide about the reasons behind the daily increases in the pricing of all goods.I believe that utilizing Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram as a genre for my topic will be a fantastic method to get to know people more deeply. because a large portion of the younger population uses social media these days. People are consuming a lot of videos, vlogs, and reels. To raise their awareness, uploading images and videos will be easier to understand and more visual. It’s a powerful tool, in my opinion, to convince people that something significant has occurred and that people are unhappy about it.

I think those who are avoiding this reality should inform others about it; perhaps they should start conversations about it, stage protests, or get government notice about the problem of rising prices in the economy.I utilize an author who communicates through writing as a speech, book, film, or any other medium. This can include social, cultural, political, educational, rights, experiences, or beliefs to give writers a strong influence over the assumptions they make about the world, their audience, the things they write about and how they write about, and the environments in which they write. In my essay, I discuss economic difficulties as social concerns and attempt to persuade those who are going through similar circumstances to take a stand. I utilize purpose, which explains how I bring attention to the exorbitant prices of things and start a conversation to interact with the world and get people thinking about solving problems.

I use pathos because, although it’s often translated as “emotional appeal,” the term originally meant speech components that may touch any number of the audience’s emotions. These days, a lot of people would talk about a text’s pathos qualities in order to describe how successfully the writer evokes the feelings of the reader. I am discussing the actual problem that affects people all around the world, as if they are all in the same boat. For instance, I discuss in my writing how the younger generation is not prepared for the circumstances of today because they do not accept responsibility, which has prevented them from understanding the rise in the cost of a single item. Additionally, for Although the word “logos” is sometimes translated as “logic or reasoning,” its original meaning was the speech’s actual content and structure. These days, a lot of individuals use the term “logos qualities” to describe a text’s strength of logic or reasoning. For instance, I use images and videos from social media to illustrate how it impacts both future generations and our everyday lives in my writing. Furthermore, we can see that although the term “ethos” is commonly translated as “credibility or trustworthiness,” its original meaning was “the parts of a speech that reflected on the character of the speaker or the speech’s author.” These days, a lot of individuals may bring up a text’s ethical aspects in conversation to talk about how well writers represent themselves. I make an effort to raise awareness of this topic because it affects not just one person but the entire country or the entire planet.

Everyone needs to live, but these days it’s quite difficult for most people to do so, especially those who are unemployed or have just one earner in the household. The reason is that wealthy people can afford anything, but they also need to be aware of the problems that those in their immediate vicinity are suffering. Additionally, as the younger generation will be taking on more responsibility for themselves and their families, they too need to be aware of these difficulties.In my opinion, writing a visual essay differs from writing a standard essay since the former requires the reader to read the entire article slowly, comprehend its meaning, and attempt to draw connections between a variety of ideas. However, it is simple to comprehend the subject and draw connections between many ideas in a visual essay. Thus, reading the entire essay is not necessary. It involves using images of any kind of motion or action to offer a critical analysis of a subject. The pictures can serve as a justification, debate starter, or explanation. Compared to conventional essays, it may be more interesting and remembered. They may also be easier to understand by audiences outside of academia.

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